Office Directions
My office address is 800 Village Square Crossing (VSC), Palm Beach Gardens, FL 33410. VSC is a street on Prosperity Farms Road between RCA Blvd. & Burns Road. Traveling south on Prosperity, VSC will be on your right. Prosperity Farms Road can also be accessed from Northlake Blvd, in which case the entrance to VSC will be on your left. The street sign is grey with white lettering. You will turn into the driveway, make your first left to park, and the 800 building will be on your left. It runs parallel to Prosperity Farms.
When you arrive, let the front office know that you're there to see Dr. Slesnick. You do not need to give them your name, for reasons of confidentiality.
Individual Therapy: $175/ hour; $250/ 90 minutes
Couples Therapy: $235/ 75 minutes; $280/ 90 minutes
Fees due at time of session: Personal Checks, Cash accepted
Insurance: Call your insurance company to ask if they reimburse for an "out of network" psychologist.